Orders and Payment
Orders and payment can either be made online through PayPal using the Shopping Cart buttons provided on
each product page, or payment can be made by cheque mailed with your order.
If you prefer to send us your order by post, please make sure you include:
- Your contact details
- The name and address where you want your purchases to be delivered
- The type and number of each product item you require
- The colour option number for each product item
- A cheque to cover the total cost of your order
- Note: Please make cheques payable to P.J. Davies.
Your order and cheque should be sent to Old Bakery Alpacas, Pentre Grove, Brilley, Herefordshire, HR3 6HJ.
Postage & Packing is free if delivery is within the UK. For delivery
outside of the UK please contact us via the website to obtain a quote.
Contact Peter and Gill Davies at Old Bakery Alpacas, Pentre Grove, Brilley,
Whitney on Wye, Herefordshire, HR3 6HJ.
, 01497831376.